You killed my response!

Murderer! You killed my response!

I've been scarred for life... graphic designers.

Now don't get me wrong.

They are often very nice and very talented people. (We even have them on staff.)

But you gotta watch these guys, because…

...they are NOT - by and large - marketing experts. 

And they DON'T usually know what drives response.

In fact, it sometimes feels like the average graphic designer does their best to KILL response stone dead.

Look, I would love it if the best-looking stuff performed the best, really I would.

But that’s the world as we would like it to be. Not how it actually is.

Because having seen thousands upon thousands of results from online marketing campaigns since 2007, I can tell you that, with a few exceptions, the old saying holds true:

“If it’s ugly as hell, it’ll probably sell.”

Why should this be?

Because real results come not from fancy graphics and "edgy" design...

...but from strong copy and a clear, carefully targeted message.

And too often, graphic design obscures or distracts from the message.

Want help getting that message right… and putting it in front of the right people?

Book a quick chat with me here.

I’ll let you know if I think we can help.

Or point you in the right direction, if we can’t.

Karen Castaneda